Cássia Marques

Cássia was born in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais, Brazil, in a large, beautiful and loving family. Married to Christian McMillan and a resident of Reading, Massachusetts. She is the owner at Cassia’s Elegant Spa.

She is passionate about reading and searching for knowledge, she attended Portuguese Language and Literature at University, specializing in Linguistics and Copywriting Production. She grew up studying the Spanish language which became her second language.

She worked in the area of ​​Education and Secretariat until she discovered her true mission: providing health and well-being to people through physical and mental touch.

In Brazil, she invested in one of the best Massage Techniques: the Renata França Method. She perfected these massage techniques in the USA at the Lincoln Tech Institute and to complement her studies, she learned ACCESS Bar Therapy and Reiki.

In search of her self-knowledge and the development of her spirituality, she took a Yoga Teacher Training course. For her, Massage and Yoga have the same benefits.

Therefore, Cássia is not only a teacher of Portuguese but also Spanish and Yoga. She is a certified Massage Therapist, Access Bar, and Reikiana Facilitator. She is a professional who is passionate about what she does. Cassia is constantly evolving to better serve you.

Cássia Marques

Homecare USA / Massachussets

Cássia Marques

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